Originaria della contea di Limerick, Irlanda, ha scritto diversi libri di arredamento e commercia in antichità.
La sua casa di South London, in cui vive con il marito Howard e i due figli, esprime tutta la sua passione per gli oggetti antichi o semplicemente vecchi, ai quali il tempo, depositando la sua patina, ha conferito un fascino speciale.
L'interno, con pavimenti e pareti tinteggiati nei colori "gessosi", ospita mobili di gusto francese un po' rustico.
Accanto ad essi ogni sorta di oggetti, spesso inusuali, come alcune opere di soggetto sacro, il pannello italiano con i putti utilizzato come testiera del letto o la scaletta in legno cui ha appeso i biglietti ricevuti dagli amici.
Poco importa se mobili ed oggetti appaiono malridotti e deteriorati dal tempo e appartengono ad epoche o stili differenti; quello che conta per Josephine è che abbiano una storia da raccontare.
In queste foto la casa è addobbata per le feste con ghirlande, rametti di abete, lucciole, candele, e decorazioni vintage.
Tutto, anche il Natale, per Josephine è un pretesto per celebrare il passato.
Josephine's home: praise of the past
Native of County Limerick, Ireland, Josephine Ryan has written several books of furniture and she trades in antiquities.
His home in South London, where she lives with her husband Howard and two children, expresses her passion for antiques or for old object, specially if the time, depositing its patina, conferred a special charm.
The interior, with floors and walls painted in the colors "chalky", has furniture of French taste a bit 'rustic.
Next to them all sorts of objects, often unusual, as some works of sacred subjects, the Italian panel with angels, used as a headboard, or the wooden ladder which hung tickets received from friends.
No matter if furniture and objects look tatty and damaged by time or belong to eras or different styles; what matters for Josephine is what has a story to tell.
In these photos the house is decorated for holidays with garlands, spruce twigs, fireflies, candles, decorations and vintage.
Everything, even the Christmas, for Josephine is an excuse to celebrate the Past.
His home in South London, where she lives with her husband Howard and two children, expresses her passion for antiques or for old object, specially if the time, depositing its patina, conferred a special charm.
The interior, with floors and walls painted in the colors "chalky", has furniture of French taste a bit 'rustic.
Next to them all sorts of objects, often unusual, as some works of sacred subjects, the Italian panel with angels, used as a headboard, or the wooden ladder which hung tickets received from friends.
No matter if furniture and objects look tatty and damaged by time or belong to eras or different styles; what matters for Josephine is what has a story to tell.
In these photos the house is decorated for holidays with garlands, spruce twigs, fireflies, candles, decorations and vintage.
Everything, even the Christmas, for Josephine is an excuse to celebrate the Past.
Foto da Daily mail
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