Nata in Iran ma cresciuta tra gli Stati Uniti e l'Europa (in Germania e Francia), dove ha studiato architettura, grafica e designer, India Mahdavi è considerata tra i dieci più influenti interiors designer contemporanei.
Ha firmato hotel, cinema, ristoranti, caffè con uno stile molto personale che nasce da un'attitudine a mescolare, incrociare, talvolta osare, e come lei stessa ha affermato "confondere le acque".
I suoi progetti realizzano luoghi confortevoli, avvolgenti, ricchi di colore, luoghi in cui, con il suo lavoro, cerca di "portare il sole".
A volte dimostra di avere anche uno spiccato "sense of humor" come al "Germain" di Saint Germain des Prés a Parigi, dove tra i tavoli pone un enorme manichino giallo di donna.
La donna, come Alice nel paese delle Meraviglie sembra aver bevuto una pozione che, facendola crescere in maniera spropositata, le ha fatto rompere il soffitto, tanto da farla irrompere al piano superiore.
Eclectic India
Born in Iran but raised between the United States and Europe (Germany and France), where he studied architecture, graphic and designer, India Mahdavi is considered one of the ten most influential contemporary interiors designers.
He signed hotels, cinemas, restaurants, cafes with a very personal style that stems from an attitude to mix, sometimes daring, and as she herself said, "muddying the waters".
His projects undertake places comfortable, enveloping, rich in color, places where, with his work, he tries to "bring the sun."
Sometimes it also proves to have a strong "sense of humor" as to the "Germain" the Saint Germain des Prés in Paris, where between the tables poses a huge dummy yellow woman.
The woman, like Alice in Wonderland seems to have drank a potion that made it grow out of proportion, he did break the ceiling, enough to make her break into the top floor.
Eclectic India
Born in Iran but raised between the United States and Europe (Germany and France), where he studied architecture, graphic and designer, India Mahdavi is considered one of the ten most influential contemporary interiors designers.
He signed hotels, cinemas, restaurants, cafes with a very personal style that stems from an attitude to mix, sometimes daring, and as she herself said, "muddying the waters".
His projects undertake places comfortable, enveloping, rich in color, places where, with his work, he tries to "bring the sun."
Sometimes it also proves to have a strong "sense of humor" as to the "Germain" the Saint Germain des Prés in Paris, where between the tables poses a huge dummy yellow woman.
The woman, like Alice in Wonderland seems to have drank a potion that made it grow out of proportion, he did break the ceiling, enough to make her break into the top floor.
"Germain" di Saint Germain des Prés, Parigi
Coburg bar, Londra
Jean-françois piège, Parigi
Condesa df, Mexico City
Montecarlo Beach, Monaco
Le cloitre, Arles
Per chi vuole conoscere in maniera più approfondita il suo stile, India ha scritto "Home, guida allo chic" Ippocampo editore.
Dedicato a chi vuole dare stile alla propria casa, il libro svela alcuni dei suoi trucchi e le regole base per abbinare tessuti, colori e materiali, consigliando anche alcuni indirizzi di negozi in giro per il mondo in cui fare acquisti speciali.
For those who want to know more thoroughly his style, India wrote "Home...".
Dedicated to those who want to give style to your home, the book reveals some of his tricks and the basic rules to match fabrics, colors and materials, counseling also addresses some of the shops around the world in which to make special purchases.
For those who want to know more thoroughly his style, India wrote "Home...".
Dedicated to those who want to give style to your home, the book reveals some of his tricks and the basic rules to match fabrics, colors and materials, counseling also addresses some of the shops around the world in which to make special purchases.
Da: India Mahdavi
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