Romana di nascita, brasiliana "per scelta" (giunse in Brasile con il marito alla fine degli anni '40) Lina Bo Bardi, di cui quest'anno si celebrano i cento anni dalla nascita, fu donna ed architetto di grande energia ed impegno civile.
Un concetto di architettura come disciplina che correli etica, politica e bellezza è alla base di tutta la sua produzione; cercò sempre di realizzare edifici che mettessero al centro la persona e che dialogassero con la natura circostante (rigogliosissima quella brasiliana).
Il progetto della sua casa, La casa de Vidro di San Paolo del Brasile, può essere considerato una sorta di manifesto della sua opera.
Lina àncora saldamente la parte posteriore dell'edificio al terreno e realizza, a valle, un parallelepipedo di vetro, sospeso su esili pilastri, che si protende verso il paesaggio; una scala di ferro e granito lo collega al giardino sottostante.
Una porzione di paesaggio è poi letteralmente abbracciata dalla casa, costruita intorno ad un grande albero.
L'architetto fu anche designer e alcuni dei mobili che vediamo nelle immagini sono realizzati su suo disegno ed ancora oggi prodotti.
Celeberrima la Bowl Chair, rieditata di recente in 500 esemplari da Arper, in cui elemento fondamentale è l'interazione con l'uomo (per saperne di più vai qui ).
L'edificio oggi, per volontà di Lina e di suo marito, è divenuto la sede della omonima fondazione che ha lo scopo di promuovere studi nel campo dell'arte e dell'architettura
Lina Bo Bardi: an Italian in Brazil
Italian by birth, Brazilian "by choice" (arrived in Brazil with her husband at the end of the '40s), Lina Bo Bardi, which this year they celebrates the centenary of his birth, was a woman and an architect of great energy and civic engagement .
A concept of architecture as a discipline that correlates ethics, politics, and beauty is the basis of all his work; she always tried to create buildings around the person and in communication with the nature (that very lush Brazilian).
The project of his home, La Casa de Vidro in Sao Paolo, Brazil, can be considered a sort of manifesto of his work.
Lina firmly anchors the rear of the building to the ground and realizes in the valley, a box of glass, suspended on slender pillars, which juts out into the landscape; a scale of iron and granite connects it to the garden below.
A portion of the landscape is then literally embraced by the house, built around a large tree.
The architect was also a designer and some of the furniture that we see in the pictures are made to his design and is still produced.
The famous Bowl Chair, recently reissued in 500 specimens from Arper, in which the fundamental element is interaction with humans (for more information go here).
The building today, by the will of Lina and her husband, became the seat of the homonymous foundation that aims to promote studies in the field of art and architecture.
Lina Bo Bardi: an Italian in Brazil
Italian by birth, Brazilian "by choice" (arrived in Brazil with her husband at the end of the '40s), Lina Bo Bardi, which this year they celebrates the centenary of his birth, was a woman and an architect of great energy and civic engagement .
A concept of architecture as a discipline that correlates ethics, politics, and beauty is the basis of all his work; she always tried to create buildings around the person and in communication with the nature (that very lush Brazilian).
The project of his home, La Casa de Vidro in Sao Paolo, Brazil, can be considered a sort of manifesto of his work.
Lina firmly anchors the rear of the building to the ground and realizes in the valley, a box of glass, suspended on slender pillars, which juts out into the landscape; a scale of iron and granite connects it to the garden below.
A portion of the landscape is then literally embraced by the house, built around a large tree.
The architect was also a designer and some of the furniture that we see in the pictures are made to his design and is still produced.
The famous Bowl Chair, recently reissued in 500 specimens from Arper, in which the fundamental element is interaction with humans (for more information go here).
The building today, by the will of Lina and her husband, became the seat of the homonymous foundation that aims to promote studies in the field of art and architecture.
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