I Kolam sono disegni geometrici o a soggetto floreale realizzati davanti agli ingressi delle case dalle donne del Tamil Nadu, regione del sud dell'India, con l'aiuto delle loro figlie.
Questa tradizione viene trasmessa di generazione in generazione ed ha un significato molto preciso: i Kolam vengono realizzati ogni mattina cospargendo il suolo con farina di riso -ogni famiglia ha il suo stile- con lo scopo di apportare prosperità e protezione alla casa e di augurare il benvenuto al visitatore.
I disegni durante la giornata, pian piano, vengono cancellati dal passaggio delle persone, ma il giorno dopo le donne, instancabilmente, ne realizzano di nuovi.
La ripetizione dei gesti rende così definitivo, anche se sempre diverso, ciò che nasce come temporaneo.
La ripetizione dei gesti rende così definitivo, anche se sempre diverso, ciò che nasce come temporaneo.
A queste effimere opere d'arte potreste ispirarvi se non vi piace il pavimento della vostra casa, e avete deciso di rinnovarlo senza sostituirlo, che sia in legno, in cemento o in materiale ceramico.
Potreste dare un tocco gioioso e ad effetto, ad esempio, all'ingresso o al corridoio della vostra abitazione
Potreste dare un tocco gioioso e ad effetto, ad esempio, all'ingresso o al corridoio della vostra abitazione
Ma se prediligete uno stile più lineare, lasciatevi invece ispirare da un classico pavimento a scacchi bicolore o ad esagoni, oppure, utilizzando tre colori, create un bell'effetto tridimensionale.
Utilizzando tinte pastello potreste anche ricreare suggestioni scandinave.
Basta un po' di manualità ed i colori adatti alla superficie da decorare.
E come al solito il mio suggerimento è: ad ognuno il proprio stile, unico ed originale.
Decoradet floors, the ephemeral becomes final
Kolam are drawings with geometric or floral subject: the women of Tamil Nadu, a southern region of India, with the help of their daughters, make it in front of the entrances of their houses.
This tradition is passed from generation to generation and has a very specific meaning: Kolam are made every morning, sprinkling the ground with rice flour in order to bring prosperity and security at home and welcome to the visitor. Every family has its style.
The drawings during the day, slowly are erased by the passage of people, but the next day the women, tirelessly, they make it again.
The repetition of gestures makes definitive, though always different, what began as a temporary.
These ephemeral works of art may inspire you if you do not like the floor (in wood, cement ceramic material) of your home, and you have decided to renew without replacing it. You could give a joyful touch, for example, to the entry or the hallway in your home.
But if prediligete a more linear style let yourself be inspired by a classic two-tone checkerboard floor or by hexagons. Using three colors, you can create a beautiful 3D effect.
With pastel colors you could also recreate suggestions Scandinavian.
Just a bit of dexterity and suitable colors to the surface to be decorated.
And as usual, my suggestion is: to each his own style, unique and original.
Kolam are drawings with geometric or floral subject: the women of Tamil Nadu, a southern region of India, with the help of their daughters, make it in front of the entrances of their houses.
This tradition is passed from generation to generation and has a very specific meaning: Kolam are made every morning, sprinkling the ground with rice flour in order to bring prosperity and security at home and welcome to the visitor. Every family has its style.
The drawings during the day, slowly are erased by the passage of people, but the next day the women, tirelessly, they make it again.
The repetition of gestures makes definitive, though always different, what began as a temporary.
These ephemeral works of art may inspire you if you do not like the floor (in wood, cement ceramic material) of your home, and you have decided to renew without replacing it. You could give a joyful touch, for example, to the entry or the hallway in your home.
But if prediligete a more linear style let yourself be inspired by a classic two-tone checkerboard floor or by hexagons. Using three colors, you can create a beautiful 3D effect.
With pastel colors you could also recreate suggestions Scandinavian.
Just a bit of dexterity and suitable colors to the surface to be decorated.
And as usual, my suggestion is: to each his own style, unique and original.

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