Un agriturismo ma anche una galleria d'arte per mostre temporanee, un ristorante, una libreria ed una biblioteca. Tutto questo è l'Hauser & Wirth Somerset nella campagna inglese, in un casale ristrutturato dallo studio Laplace di Parigi, fondato dall' architetto argentino Luis Laplace, che si dice ispirato sia dal modernismo sudamericano, sia dal movimento brutalista.
Luis rivendica un'architettura al servizio dell'arte contemporanea ed ama mescolare oggetti d'antiquariato, pezzi del 20° secolo e mobili disegnati da lui stesso su misura.
In questo progetto ritroviamo tutto questo e molto altro.
Per quanto riguarda la ristrutturazione l'intento dell'architetto è stato rendere efficiente l'edificio (anche dal punto di vista energetico), astenendosi però dall'intervenire dove non fosse assolutamente necessario, cercando di resistere alla tentazione di dare un aspetto nuovo all'immobile, ricercando la continuità con il passato più che la cristallizzazione di una condizione storica.
Adotta inoltre un approccio sperimentale che lo porta a mescolare arte ed architettura, chiamando l'artista Guillermo Kuitca per la decorazione di alcune pareti e la svizzera Pippilotti Rist per la realizzazione di una video installazione.
Architecture, art, and landscape in english countryside.
A farm but also an art gallery for temporary exhibitions, a restaurant, a library and a book shop. All this is the Hauser & Wirth Somerset in the English countryside, in a renovated farmhouse in the study Laplace in Paris, founded by the Argentine architect Luis Laplace, who is said to be inspired by the South American modernism , both from the Brutalist movement.
Luis claims an architecture in the service of contemporary art and loves to mix antiques, pieces of 20th century and furniture designed by him to measure.
In this project we find all this and much more.
With regard to the restructuring the architect's intention was to make the building efficient (from the point of view of energy), but refraining from intervening where it was not absolutely necessary, trying to resist the temptation to give a new look to the property, seeking continuity with the past rather than the crystallization of a historical condition .
It also adopts an experimental approach that leads him to mix art and architecture, calling the artist Guillermo Kuitca to decorate some of the walls and the Swiss Pippilotti Rist for the realization of a video installation .
Luis claims an architecture in the service of contemporary art and loves to mix antiques, pieces of 20th century and furniture designed by him to measure.
In this project we find all this and much more.
With regard to the restructuring the architect's intention was to make the building efficient (from the point of view of energy), but refraining from intervening where it was not absolutely necessary, trying to resist the temptation to give a new look to the property, seeking continuity with the past rather than the crystallization of a historical condition .
It also adopts an experimental approach that leads him to mix art and architecture, calling the artist Guillermo Kuitca to decorate some of the walls and the Swiss Pippilotti Rist for the realization of a video installation .
The project is completed by the project to landscape the garden of Piet Ouldof.

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